Chinese tourist visas are issued to foreigners who plan to travel to China. Tourists can apply for a Chinese tourist visa to the Chinese embassy or consulate in advance after confirming their travel itinerary.
I. Basic materials
1. Passport
Original passport, valid for at least 6 months, with at least two blank visa pages.
2. Chinese visa application form
Your personal information and travel-related details should be provided completely and correctly. The visa officer will check carefully to determine whether to approve your entry plan.
3. Visa photo
Two recently taken (within the last 6 months) 2-inch color photos without a crown. The photo needs to be taken on a white or light solid color background, without a cap, and with the full face presented front to front. A photograph should be attached to the printed visa application form.
4. Proof of Legal residence (for applicants who are not in their country of nationality)
Provide original and photocopies of valid certificates or visas showing that you are legally present, living, working and studying in your country of residence.
II.Supporting documents
Related travel documents showing the itinerary, including booked round-trip air tickets and hotel reservations, prepared travel plans and other materials;
Invitation letter issued by relevant Chinese institutions or individuals.
III.How do I apply for a Chinese tourist visa?
Let's look at the most important submission process.
Step 1: Prepare other travel materials, such as tickets, hotel reservation records, rough travel itinerary, etc. If you have a real and valid invitation, please provide it;
Step 2: Fill in the visa application form, print it out, paste a photo on the paper application form, sign it and write down the date of submission;
Step 3: If you need to submit an application to the China Visa Application Service Center, please make an appointment online;
Step 4: Take all the prepared documents, go to the consulate, wait for the row number and submit. Pay the visa fee and obtain the receipt;
Step 5: Get your passport back on schedule.
IV.How long does it take to get a Chinese tourist visa?
The Chinese Embassy and consulate will begin processing your application until all required documents are submitted. The regular application takes about 4 working days and you can pick it up on the 4th or 5th working day.
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